New Experiences, New Comfort Zones

"I’m not comfortable in the water."
“I’m not a swimmer.”

Those are two statements I heard often from Isa at the start of our Costa Rica adventure last year. Both statements are fully valid so we never pressured her to join any activities that would make her uncomfortable - everyone has a right to set their own limits, shame-free.

And yet…look 👏🏽 at 👏🏽 all 👏🏽 Isa 👏🏽 did!! 👏🏽 🥳 🙌🏽 🎉 (check out our Instagram highlight about her Costa Rica surfing story, specifically).

Y’all, Isa is a testament to what’s possible when an opportunity to try something new isn't just thrown in front of you, but what you’re capable of when the opportunity happens in a safe environment both physically and emotionally. In Costa Rica the combination of the surrounding environment and the company are a recipe for growing comfort zones.

As I’ve talked about many times, being immersed in gorgeous natural surroundings tends to breathe life into you, making it a little easier to imagine the universe of possibilities vs. focusing on limitations (plus being grounded in possibility tends to have a happy side effect of making you brave 😊).

And getting to try new things, especially scary new things, alongside people who understand where you’re coming from — people you know are laughing with you and not at you when you fall, who can cheer you on when you need a boost of confidence, who understand and can lighten the burden of fear, who celebrate with you when you nail it — well that kind of community has the potential to foster unforgettable experiences.

So surrounded by Costa Rican jungle, the Pacific Ocean, and a community of black women friends, Isa became a surfer, a rafter, a kayaker, and a paddle boarder!!

What might YOU be willing to try with those kinds of supports around you?


Beauty, Nature, & Freedom